I will warn you in advance that this is going to be both a long and rambling blog as well as one that isn't all that detailed because I would be writing for ages if I explained each day of vacation, not to mention that I can't even begin to remember it all!!!
On Wednesday, March 31st, Breana and I left for Barcelona (along with a slew of other Smithies from our program so we all went together, it was quite the party!). We sipped some prosecco on the train, checked our bags and then proceeded to wait for a few hours since, obviously, RyanAir was running late. How surprising. By the time we go to the airport outside Barcelona, bussed into the city, grabbed a cab to our hotel/hostel/apartment and paid the balance and settled, it was almost 2am. Quite the travels!
Some highlights from Barcelona..... Gaudi! Gaudi and his architecture and designs - so incredible!!! My favorite part of Barcelona was definitely Park Guell, high up on a hill, tons of little details that you could never get tired of seeing. Houses that look as though they were made of gingerbread, bright tiles, mosaics, quirky archways and benches, a lizard, and so on and so forth.
Other than the park, I was pretty impressed by the Sagrada Familia... how something so incredible and interesting and unique could remain unfinished for soooo long is mind-blowing! Gaudi must be so bummed!!!! I also loved the little market right by our apartment where they sold fresh squeezed juice 2 for 1 euro! (Keep in mind that if you go right around closing you can have 4 for 1 euro!!!)
Another great thing about Barcelona (and maybe Spain in general) are the fabulous parks! In Barcelona there is this amazing park called Parc de la Ciutadella. There is a huge expanse of grass and trees, a zoo, a pond with boats, a huge greenhouse, a castle and the Catalan Parliament!
While we were in Barcelona, Alex and her friend Kaltra came down from London to meet us. We wandered and shopped and went on this amazing (and free!!) walking tour of the city with an adorable Australian man named Sean. I bought fabulous floral comfy cotton flowing pants (a necessity, I swear!) We encountered a little Easter procession complete with Mother Mary holding Jesus and a little priest who hopped up on the float to place Mary's crown on her head.
Throughout the trip we ate lots of tapas and little snacks, some Cheetoes and Pringles, and some flautas (little baguettes with cheese or meat or whatever you like on them). We learned that most of the paella in Barcelona (and Madrid and most parts of tourist Spain) is not even real. Its from a company that makes it and sends it to all the restaurants and its not at all like REAL paella. Therefore I never had any!! Alex and Kaltra tried some at this really amazing restaurant we all went to and it was pretty good. I had this great heap of seafood cooked in a cast iron pot with white wine and garlic. It was DELICIOUS!! One night we tried to go out but we just aren't Spanish enough and come 1:30am when it was still dead, we couldn't really last much longer! We did acquire a bizarre number of flyers for one (completely empty) club called BLVD. We ended up at some other place whose name I can't remember but it was kinda cute - white palm trees and pineapples inside, free entry, and a cute man who we assumed was Spanish but obviously he turned out to be... Italian! How surprising!!
In a nutshell, that is a little summary of mine and Breana's trip to Barcelona!! Sunday morning we woke up at 5:30 (when people were just leaving BLVD and Panam's Showgirls across the street was just closing....) and hopped in cab to the airport so we could fly over to Madrid!Madrid was amazing..... I loved everything about it! White buildings, stone buildings, a gorgeous cathedral, yummy food (not that we had anything truly Spanish, oops!), amazing hosts (we stayed with Breana's family friends, Samantha and her Spanish husband Juan - they were the BEST!!), gorgeous weather, a great day trip and incredible museums! When we got there Sunday morning, Samantha and Juan took us all around the city, showing us everything important. We grabbed some tea and then went out to lunch with them. Then we went to anotherrrr amazing park! It was huge!! With fountains and a really big pond and swans and a crystal palace with trees inside! That night, after napping for awhile, we went out for Chinese food and I have to say.... it was the best Chinese food I have ever eaten!!! And we were the only non-Chinese people in the entire restaurant.... it was very busy too....

The next day we walked all over the city again and went to the Reina Sofia museum. I loved it! I am often not a hugeee museum person, and I am rarely a contemporary art person but for some reason there was just something about the Reina Sofia that really hit me!! And luckily my best friend is very well-versed in art and could tell me all the important things about Picasso and such! And we met a nice man (whose wife went to Smith, of course!!) and he asked us to take pictures of this one exhibit and mail them to him because he is the president of this place that is working to digitalize art from museums. We have his business card - you never know, he could be a useful resource in the future!!
On Tuesday we took a little day trip to Toledo, a cute little city which actually wasn't nearly so little as I had expected. A lot of the museums and things were closed for restoration but we spent the day walking around in the sun, looking ar various things that we stumbled upon. We went in the GIGANTIC cathedral, tried some famous (and delicious!!) marzipan, hunted for synagogues, threw our trash in the bushes after lunch because the waiter told us to and then took a huge outdoor escalator back down the hill to the train station. Overall, it was a success!!
Wednesday we went shopping with Samantha although we didn't buy anything because her taste, although extremely cute and just what we liked, was a little pricey. It was nice to stroll around the little shopping areas that she loves though! Then we headed to lunch and as we were munching our salads, we cracked a joke about this woman wearing shorts and heels leaning against a tree because she looked like a prostitute. Turns out it wasn't really a joke.... we counted 16 in total... in broad daylight. On a very populated street.... standing by the metro, against trees and lamp posts, in doorways... everywhere.... it was shocking!!! We then went to the Prado museum to see a few amazing works that Breana had really wanted to see by Bosch (again, very impressed, I loved them! If I learned one thing this year in Italy its how to appreciate and enjoy art!) That night, Samantha and Juan took us out to this fantastic Mexican restaurant with Juan's sister and her husband and one of Samantha's friends. It was so much fun! We ate amazing food, drank the BEST (the ABSOLUTE BEST) margarita I have ever tasted, and then wandered around and sipped a beer with them after.
The next morning (after loosing my passport in my backpack for a little while... oops...) we headed back to the airport and headed home to Pisa. From Pisa, I headed to visit Alex in London and Breana headed back to Florence. I met Victoria at the airport and we flew off to the UK together.
I then proceeded to have a fabulous weekend with my bestie!! Thursday night we ate some hummus and bread in her kitchen and took the tube to a cute little place called Dirty Martini where she had a delicious Indian martini and I had a not so delish Cherry Blossom one.... The next day she had to work in the morning so I slept in and relaxed a bit. When she got home, we turned right back around and went to her favorite cafe for lunch and then went to Camden Markets. It was so cute!!! I apparently missed all the amazing parts of London when I went 5 years ago!! We strolled in and out of stalls for a few hours, sampled some amazing Chinese food and then ate some more laterrr (why did I have so much Chinese food over vacation?? Maybe I should go to China....) and then I finally bought a cute little dress for Isadora's bridal shower. That night, after I learned the wonders of Sainsbury's and their beer and cider aisle, we went out with Alex's roomie, Kaltra. We were going to go to a place called Strawberry Moon but when we got off the tube we were bombarded by promotors (a weird concept.... these men work for all the different clubs and get commissions or something so they just try to get you to go to all different places and cut you deals) and we decided to let them convince us of a different place called Pep-C (we only agreed because they promised to give us our money back if we didn't like it, but then the guy gave me his iPod and told me to hold on to it until we decided and if he didn't give our money back, we could keep the iPod... we decided they were at least somewhat legit). It turned out to be a very cute little club! It was much more diverse than anyyyy club here in Italy and although pretty tiny, it was relatively full! I thought it was pretty enjoyable!
Saturday morning Alex and I went out to breakfast at an AMAZING little place she had been wanting to go. It was in Chelsea and so adorable, and on our way there we passed all these gorgeous houses and flowers and trees covered in blossoms and cute little churches with parks. I think I might be in love with London! I had no idea! I can't see myself living long-term in Italy but I could easily see myself in London! It's so great! And there are kids and parks and everything everywhere - much more family-friendly than Florence, that's for sure!! We had yummy lunch (nachos and a turkey burger) at a little placed called Giraffe and then shopped our bums off. I bought, among other things, two really fantastic dresses for my 21st birthday (okay, okay, I know its still 2 months away but I like to plan ahead!!). We went to Whittard tea which was my favorite part of my trip to London 5 years ago, but they must have closed to top floor or moved or something because when I went before, you could make your own loose tea blends and now you can't! It was a little disappointing!! Saturday night we were going to grab fish and chips and strawberry beer at Alex's favorite little pub but they had stopped serving by the time we got there. We settled for (SCRUMPTIOUS!!) strawberry beer and then got some falafel and chicken curry to bring home. Yet another successful day!!

Sunday morning I hopped on the tube, grabbed the bus to the Stansted airport and parted for Florence. I had a FABULOUS vacation, but walking into my host family's house was very welcoming! They were so happy to see me and hear about vacation and I was very excited to hear about their trip to Egypt (it wasn't all that special.... hmm... haha, high expectations I suppose!!).
At this point I am still recovering a little from my lovely 11 day break, hence the delay in the blogging! But I am getting back into the swing of things, writing papers, then other projects and exams.... its insane that 5 weeks from now I will be home... but we don't need to think about that just yet!!! I am just going to continue to bask in the happiness that was vacation and go one day at a time!!
Baci e abbracci a tutti!! I miss you all!!!!
Barcelona pics: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=413959&id=500755531&l=51c1480892
Madrid pics: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=413998&id=500755531&l=0e2d5d240c
London pics: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=414001&id=500755531&l=d1078173f4