I believe that I was just blessed (maybe not fully blessed, but at least slightly) by a nun who works in a little store of all things Catholic, located right across from the Duomo. Just the fact that such a sweet woman would even talk with me is enough to make me feel fortunate! This particular nun reminded me of my grandmother. If you took my dad's mom, taught her Italian, rewound to when she was 70, put her in a habit and tossed her over to the Duomo, you would find this exact little nun. I might need to return to the shop and buy this little wooden rosary I was eyeballing just because I had the overwhelming sense that I needed to buy it.... When in Florence, as they say!

When I got home after this little encounter, my little bros were talking up a storm and Silvia embarrassed them tremendously when she said, "Oh ragazzi, this is how you are when Sera isn't here but the second she comes in the door you get timidi, don't you?" At which point they both turned bright red and sat down at the counter and stared at their hands, elbowing each other and giggling.
Friday afternoon
Yes, I did just go buy that rosary. And I love it. A lot.
Prior to this purchase, Breana and I were craving hot chocolate (since it is freezing here!! Yes, I am aware that it has snowed in both Northampton, MA and Middlesex, VT but regardless, it went from being 85 degrees to being 40-50 degrees in a matter of days and it has been a tad bit shocking!). Anyway, we were craving hot chocolate so we returned to a place we had seen yesterday and we ordered hot chocolate - literally that's what it was - hot melted chocolate with a dollop of delicious whipped cream on it. It was amazing, but very intense and very dark.
Later tonight we are meeting up with our Italian friends and heading over to this great event called "Festival della CreativitĂ " at this amazing old fortezza (fortress) called Fortezza da Basso which is only about 15 minutes from my new house (http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortezza_da_Basso). It should be pretty amazing - there are art exhibits and food stands, and live music and DJs and dancing - everything you could ever need all inside one big, old castle.
Friday late night

Oh, and did I mention.... I just raved in the castle. Well, the fortress really. It even had a moat (empty, but still!)!
Saturday morning
Oops. I woke up just a tad bit late - 11:45am anyone? My family had the plumber come this morning and I just walked into the bathroom and the toilet is just not there anymore.... Anyway, the plumber was running all around the house this morning, up and down the stairs, hollering in Italian, and then the twins got up and were singing and frolicking around and it was all very nice and cute and entertaining and educational with all theItalian and such, but I wanted to sleep! So here I am, its 1:03pm and I need to finish this blog, shower, and then finish my homework, followed by a trip to the train station to buy a ticket to Perugia for tomorrow (chocolate festival!!) and then I am going out to dinner with Ali and her boyfriend and some other lovely ladies, and then who knows what!!
Such is life in Florence, Italy.
Baci e abbracci!!!
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