Earlier today
This morning for our History of Fashion and Costume class we went to Palazzo Vecchio (literally 30 seconds from the Sede - the picture below is the view of the Palazzo from a window of the Sede) to visit the secret room of Eleanora di Toledo, the wife of Cosimo de’ Medici. No big deal. We saw all sorts of neat Renaissance clothes and witness a little reenactment of Eleanora getting dressed as she told us all about how one dressed oh-so-long ago. Not to bad for a Wednesday morning!
This morning for our History of Fashion and Costume class we went to Palazzo Vecchio (literally 30 seconds from the Sede - the picture below is the view of the Palazzo from a window of the Sede) to visit the secret room of Eleanora di Toledo, the wife of Cosimo de’ Medici. No big deal. We saw all sorts of neat Renaissance clothes and witness a little reenactment of Eleanora getting dressed as she told us all about how one dressed oh-so-long ago. Not to bad for a Wednesday morning!
Today was pretty much my Friday although I do have to visit a museum tomorrow (oh, darn!) and check out my second university class. Shouldn’t be too bad of a day although we have so much work to do this weekend…. I will be spending every free moment reading or writing or something…. It’s a little insane. I have to wonder if the professors should have conferenced before giving us so much work because in all honestly, it’s going to be quasi-impossible……
Right this second
Regardless, here I am, blogging and watching la Fiorentina play la Bologna. Might as well relax before working my bum off and going out this weekend, right?
Regardless, here I am, blogging and watching la Fiorentina play la Bologna. Might as well relax before working my bum off and going out this weekend, right?
We had a most delicious dinner tonight. First some aperitivi (which we don’t often have): duck pate with tasty bread and little sliced sautéed hot dogs (Italians are obsessed with hot dogs and French fries…. They put them on pizza and call it American pizza) followed by an elaborate dinner including leftovers from last night: sausage with my new favorite curry sauce, chicken for the boys, amazing lentils with olive oil and salt, pasta that Silvia’s mother made today (I met her earlier, too – SO ADORABLE), leftover pasta with squash from last night and…. Something else…. But I can’t remember!
What’s on tap for the weekend
(Speaking of taps, have I mentioned that my dad is trying to make English cider at home right now? And when I am home for Christmas, we are going to make some beer together! Practice for my restaurant, obviously!!)
(Speaking of taps, have I mentioned that my dad is trying to make English cider at home right now? And when I am home for Christmas, we are going to make some beer together! Practice for my restaurant, obviously!!)
Tomorrow night the posse is headed out Tijuana for Mexican food (http://www.tijuanaristorante.it/) – don’t worry reservations were made for 22! Either tomorrow before dinner or Friday before dinner I am watching a Halloween movie with the twins. We have a new thing were we (and by we I mean me….) write messages to them on their chalkboard such as “Would you like to watch a movie tonight? Yes or no? If yes, go pick one!” I don’t know if we have plans Friday night but Saturday we are going somewhere for Halloween, of course! Somewhere amidst all these great things I have to do all of my work….
In boca al lupo!
Sorry this is so tremendously long, yet again. I am going to get into a new, more frequent writing schedule – I PROMISE!
Baci e abbracci a tutti!
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