Friday, April 23, 2010

some random little thoughts

i am leaving in 25 days, 11 hours and 25 minutes.....

how did that even happen? 

i am feeling overwhelmed and sad and excited and generally like i am in an alternate universe. i don't even understand how i've been here since september and now suddenly i have to go home? i just got used to it here! 

and my italian is not good.... because i'm still shy and outside class everyone speaks english which is really frustrating to me but i don't want to just be "that girl" who only speaks italian. that and i'm embarrassed by how it hasn't progressed.... 

there are so many things that i want to do before i leave and there just isn't enough time or money to do it. i still wanted to go to pisa and rome and milan but those are definitely not happening. i want to go to the park that gabe and i tried to go to. asap. i want to go to the beach in viareggio. that is happening next week.  i want to go to aperitivo at la dolce vita over the arno and then go to a litte bar called friends. i want to go to some gardens. i want to eat at this cool theatrical restaurant called teatro del sale. i want to get tan. i want to read in the sun and just relax. i want to be better at speaking italian immediately. i still want to dye easter eggs with my family.... i want to bond with them more so it isnt sad anddd awkward when i leave. i want to go to mass at the duomo and mass at my favorite little church. i want to eat at mama's bakery. 

in the meantime, since i cant yet do any of those things, i have to keep on doing all this work.... i finished two of my final papers and i've started my third which isn't due until the first week of may. i have to give a presentation and do an oral exam on may 13th for my university class, i have to finish my final translation asap and then i just have two written exams for cinema and opera. i'm not too too worried. but i want it to all be done so i can go to pompeii and amalfi and napoli and capri on may 6th! and then my roomie, allie, from smith is coming! and then i have a few days until my uni exam.... and then a long weekend until i come home on the 18th...

i just don't know how it all came and went so fast.... well it hasn't gone just yet! so i better go enjoy my 25 days!!!!

amore a tutti! xo

1 comment:

  1. i'll definitely be willing to work on the "get a tan" bit with you ;)
